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March 24, 2008


Tony H

There's an "Ether Bunny" joke in here someplace.


You are cruel. You must not have a life if you have nothing else beettr than to be mean to children on Easter. You would not be saying, Mental Retards if you had a child, sibling, grandchild, with Down Syndrome like me. I have a son, and the word makes me cringe now. It is so cruel. I used to feel the same was as you, but God taught me a lesson and now I have a son who I love so much! Special needs children/people are like any other family members we love so much, even more, and give so much love back to us. Maybe God will teach you a lesson one day too and you will never say those horrible words again. They are very painful to someone with a Special Needs relative. I will say prayers for you. I suppose you are going to say you don't believe in God or Jesus either. I will pray you will find both and have a Happy Easter!:)

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