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October 01, 2007


czeltic girl

"Someone you met in prison?"

I love Dave.


Man, So many of these Letterman interviews are swcreed up. You posted the same thing twice, and called it part 1 and part 2 .are you blind and deaf?


I agree that A&R holds it's own very nicely. But I diarsgee with comparing A&R with Brothers. To me A&R represents the last album of The Black Keys Phase 1, even with Danger Mouse helping out the post-production is still minimal. Brothers is then the first album of Phase 2, they've perfected the foundation, now it's time to see what they build on top of that.


Meb is one of those awesome stoiers of an immigrant making good. He's a great guy, and I couldn't be happier for him. Obviously he has a great sense of humor, too! Congratulations, Meb it's about time someone who grew up *here* got back to winning the NY Marathon!

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