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June 02, 2006


Michael Dietsch

Hey! Glad you like the site.

I know that the shaken/stirred debate really just boils down to personal taste, so that's no thing. But you're so right. A bourbon Manhattan is good, but a rye Manhattan? Oh man. That's another type of wow altogether. The cherry juice is bullshit.

I guess what got me was the Post presenting this as THE WAY to make a Manhattan. WTF, right?


Oh, indeed. It's not the way most bartenders make a Manhattan (actually, if you ask most bartenders for a "perfect Manhattan", they'll say something like "All my Manhattans are perfect." Which is my cue to either leave or order something no more complicated than a beer.) And it's not even a good perfect Manhattan.

Maybe -- maybe -- a bit of cherry juice is allowed if you're making it with a peppery whiskey like rye. But never with bourbon, and you're pushing it if you include it at all, IMHO.

I like mine shaken; I feel (but have no evidence) that it's a bit colder that way, and the water helps dilute the drink the proper teensy amount, but yeah, I don't insist on that.

Yes, there are variations on this wonderful drink, but the Post's falls just below the threshold of acceptability. I'm surprised they mentioned bitters at all.

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