Josh Marshall notes the implosion of the GOP:
What we're seeing today are the cascading effects of the breakdown of Republican party discipline, beginning with the collapse of the president's popularity (especially the rather sudden recognition of that fact within Washington) and echoing out from there. . .
They balk on the left and then in response the 'wingers on the other right refuse the compromises they've agreed to. Suddenly the whole thing starts to pull apart since there's no centripetal force, no organizing power to hold things together -- sort of like Hobbesian state creation run in reverse.
The recognition has sunk in: The president is unpopular and weak. And it's every Republican for him or herself.
And did I mention, pass the popcorn?
Hallelujah. Someone (damn, I forget who) referred to "the sinking ship that is the GOP." I'm just happy to watch it go down!
Posted by: Ayelet | November 11, 2005 at 06:45 PM