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May 17, 2005



Good points, Vidiot. I would like to be able to say that I'm shocked at the approach the White House is taking, but they can't even shock me at this point.


Sadly, I'm with Tizzie. Every single day, I read something that makes my blood boil, something that clearly demonstrates the appalling behavior of the White House. Yet each day, I become more desensitized to the news that our nation is run by lying thieves. Guess I'm a true Democrat, eh?


Yup. I think that Democrats can be lying thieves, too...but the sheer scope and brazenness of the current pack of messianic bullies is just breathtaking.


Never would I exclude the Democrats from criticism... I'm sure they have their share of thieves amongst them, as well. But, as you say, "the sheer scope" of the current pack's arrogance is unbelievable.

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