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May 02, 2005



I need a moment.


How was HHGTTG, anyway? Seems most of the reviews are either pretty negative or so-so, but I'm still holding out hope it could be cool. I don't remember enough of the books to be all nerdy-nitpicky about them and say that the hyper-intelligent shade of the colour blue shoulda been a smidge darker or anything, but it'd be nice to get the feel of the books, at least.


Pretty good, actually. Not the best movie I've ever seen (and yeah, it wouldn't make a heck of a lot of sense without some familiarity with the book(s)), but it was mighty enjoyable. We had a good time, and it was worth seeing it on the big screen. Some of the effects were really well done, and it has that properly British touch of whimsy that I was so terrified that Disney would wholly remove.

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