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May 25, 2004


Matt Haughey

Wouldn't you need to sign a release to be shown on TV (or you could be a blur-faced guy).


Yeah, I figured as much. So I probably won't be appearing. (Good thing I'm dull enough that I wasn't selected.)

Y'know, I work in the teevee biz, but I'd always rather be behind the camera rather than in front of it.

Ever since that uncredited appearance as "Shirtless Drunk #2" on Cops a few years back, that is.

dong resin

How could you let Tom Arnold stroll past without asking him all about superstring theory?




So I wound up being an unwitting straight man for Tom Arnold.

Probably better than being an unwitting gay man for Tom Arnold.

(or you could be a blur-faced guy).

Actually, due to a rare genetic anomaly, vidiot is a blur-faced guy, although they prefer to be called "Pixilated-Americans."

But yet again you have interesting shit happen to you at work. I spent my afternoon across from the projects being probed by a Filipino.


I spent my afternoon across from the projects being probed by a Filipino.

Hey, but you paid good money for that...

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