One of the things about obsessively surfing and blogging is that I always feel like I'm discovering things too late. Not that I feel some need to be ahead of the curve or any such thing, but rather it feels like arriving at a party where most of the cool kids have gone home, the music has trailed off, the lights are a little too bright for comfort, and the carpet is speckled with unidentifiable bits of stuff.
Where am I going with this? Well, checking my referrer logs yesterday showed a few hits from a message board that appears to be mainly populated by UK-based mashup artists, reacting to the BoingBoing post about "London Booted" that I linked to yesterday. Perusal of this message board led me to a bunch of links for MP3 blogs. Why had I never heard of these before? It's like a mix CD, with good commentary, delivered a track (or three) at a time. What a brilliant idea!
I mean, I already knew about April Winchell's collection of bizarre (and often hilarious) songs, but this is definitely meatier stuff. I'm particularly fond of Teaching The Indie Kids To Dance Again (which has gone on the blogroll at right), but I also really liked Said The Gramophone, The Tofu Hut, and Fluxblog.
Happy downloadin', pardners.