This is a really bad idea. (Thanks to Paula for the tip.)
Y'know, I'll stop thinking of Republicans as quasi-fascists only when they stop behaving like them.
ADDENDUM: Oddly enough, the article points out that College Republicans president Jason Mattera "is of Puerto Rican descent [and] is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group." You can't have it both ways, bucko. If you're against affirmative action and race-targeted scholarships, you look awfully hypocritical when you take their money.
ANOTHER ADDENDUM: I also see that NYT plaigiarist Jayson Blair wants to set up a journalism scholarship at his alma mater. Good thing the U-Md J-school dean is turning him down.
I find it particularly persuasive that someone who benefits from a program would speak out against it.
Posted by: lex icon | February 21, 2004 at 11:19 PM