Sleepy today. After work last night I met up with B. and her roommate H. (to paraphrase Woody Allen: Should I keep going out with B.? Not if she won't tell me the rest of her name.) and we all merrily traipsed off to the Knitting Factory, where we saw Dressy Bessy, a pretty good power-pop band. They reminded me of Tuscadero, with their female singer and tight, melodic, almost-1960s-girl-group sound. Fun!
Qatsi opened for Dressy Bessy and wasn't too bad...and well, the other opener (who shall remain nameless here) was at least good for a few laughs: Peter Mark Roget should have gotten partial songwriting credit, and the lead singer looked like he was channeling not Jim Morrison, but Val Kilmer attempting to channel Jim Morrison. Favorite lyrics included "I met a guy/His name was Magnify/He told me the truth/But only when I was high" and some song that ended with "You left me there/Like a wino in a wine cellar."
Then it was off to my favorite Greek diner in Astoria for some restorative grease. Morning came too quickly, though, as did work. Tonight I'm off to the Rivah by way of Baltimore -- really crummy timing, I know -- for a family reunion with a bunch of cousins from my generation. It may turn into more of a mopping-up and cleaning-up party than a beer-drinking one, though. I'll keep you posted.